Course curriculum

    1. Welcome everyone

    1. Key Qualitative Concepts

    2. Qualitative research - Book chapter

    3. The emergency department as a ‘last resort’

    4. Emergency department visits for dental care of nontraumatic origin

    1. Principles of Observing

    2. Observational methods - Qualitative methods for health research -Green

    3. Observation - Case study - Rapid Ethnography

    4. Observation - Case study - Health Ethnography

    1. Principles of Interviewing

    2. Rubin HJ, Rubin I. Qualitative Interviewing: Qualitative Interviewing : The Art of Hearing Data - Chapter 7

    3. Rubin HJ, Rubin I. Qualitative Interviewing: Qualitative Interviewing : The Art of Hearing Data - Chapter 8

    4. Version 1 - Ordinary Conversation

    5. Version 2 - In-depth interview

    6. Twelve tips for conducting qualitative research interviews

    7. Interview Report Form

    1. Principles of Conducting Focus Groups

    2. Six Focus Group Examples

    3. sensitive topic case study - Natural group

    4. Topic guide example

    1. Paradigms

    2. Paradigms - further reading

About this course

  • Free
  • 38 lessons
  • 11.5 hours of video content

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